The Trap of Instant Gratification

We all want results. We all want that hot new thing. We want 2-day shipping. We want what they have. We want that title. We want it now, and I mean NOW. This is the trap that many fall into and it jeopardizes the development of one’s Taekwondo skills. In recent years, this trap has been appearing in the form of training and many aspiring athletes and their parents do not see how it affects the future.

When it comes to training, the most important thing is to determine what kind of training the athlete wants. Second is the purpose of the training and how it will help them. Lastly, the question that should be asked is, “Is this the training that they actually need?” Many parents ignore step 3 which in actuality is the most important step. This is where the trap of instant gratification comes in.

For many, if it doesn’t appear that the athlete is exhausted or hasn’t worked hard enough in the training, the training is useless. This mindset prevents them from participating in developmental training sessions and limits their growth. If the goal was to simply get tired and sweat, then the athlete doesn’t need Taekwondo and they should instead be attending a fitness class. After all, they want to feel like they worked hard and to sweat.

To succeed in Taekwondo, especially Olympic Taekwondo, one needs both high conditioning and a well-developed set of skills that took hours and hours to perfect and master. Those who fall into the trap of instant gratification only possess the conditioning needed to succeed in Olympic Taekwondo. This will only get them so far against someone who possesses both great conditioning and great technique.

Developmental training can be slow and boring at times but it serves the purpose of building one’s skill set. Thus, it cannot be neglected in favor of fast-paced, high-intensity workouts that only serve to give one the illusion that they made progress in their training when in reality they have made zero progress in becoming a better, smarter, and cleaner fighter.