Things Take Time

Everyone wants shortcuts to everything in life. If there is an easy way to make money, people will do it. If there's a new pill on the market that is "guaranteed" to make you lose a lot of pounds in a few weeks, people will buy it. You get the idea.

The thing is, the best things in life come through hard work. There is no shortcut to achieving or gaining great things. If there were, everyone would be successful. This is especially true in sports like Taekwondo.

Everyone starting out in Taekwondo had no idea what to do at first. No one knew how to kick, punch, perform Poomsae, or spar. Guess what? It took time for them to kick and punch properly. It took time for them to perfect their Poomsae. It took time to learn the ins and outs of sparring. 

The more skilled an athlete gets, the harder it is to break out of plateaus in their skills. This is where the desire for shortcuts is born and what separates the good athletes and the great athletes. Can they persist? Will they give up? Eventually, with proper guidance and training, they will break their plateaus. Patience and support from their coach(es) and loved ones is important for this.

Parents need to have the same patience during this process, especially if they are seeking help for their children's progress. Results are usually expected right away, similar to a shortcut. However, just as there are no shortcuts in life, there are no shortcuts for skill development. 

If you truly believe in your child's ability to grow as well as the coach's ability to nurture them, then you need to have faith and patience.