How can my Child Improve? (Part 1 of 2)

This has been something that's been bothering me for years in Taekwondo.


It's understandable, they want their children to succeed. What parent doesn't want their kids to look good out there when they're kicking? But what really upsets me are the ways that parents attempt to mold their kids into the way they envision them. 

"Why aren't you doing this?", "What's wrong with you?", "C'mon, stop doing that!"

I hear expressions like these all of the time, both in and out of the dojang. What parents need to understand is that yelling these things at their children isn't going to help them at all. In fact, it can make them worse. Their good intentions are ruined by their poor choice of words and their children suffer from it. Children know what mistakes they make, especially in Taekwondo. Reminding them constantly of their mistakes will induce stress in them and their performance will suffer. Now, their goal isn't to improve their skills, but rather to not fail and this mindset will hurt their rate of improvement, maybe even stunt it.